Empty My Hands
The Power of the Cross Part 2
“Why do I keep sinning”
(1) You have been set free-why go back- We have the choice to sin…whereas before, we just did…sin was our master…now Christ is…so when we sin…we are choosing to reject the power of the cross and what Christ did for us! Returning to sin, rather than resisting sin, is like “A DOG [THAT] RETURNS TO ITS OWN VOMIT” or a pig that returns to “wallowing in the mire”
Proverbs 26:11.
(2) Sin Suffocates and Imprisons you! WHY GO BACK! Sin is like using crack cocaine: it only takes one dose, and you are hooked by it. I’m sorry, I don’t care how strong you think you are…you CANNOT master sin, control sin, or even hide it! It will eventually master you!
Rom. 6:16 “All men are the slaves of sin or of righteousness”
(3) The Power of the Cross is life-giving…WHY GO BACK! Just like the Romans, we were once enslaved by sin, but that all changed when we came to faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. Our bondage to sin was broken in Christ.
Rom. 6:17 “But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you have come to obey from your heart the pattern of teaching that has now claimed your allegiance.”
(4) The Power of the Cross is the beginning of an obedience. Our choosing to follow Christ is an act of obedience. This is the tough part of becoming a Chrsitian with many people…becoming obedient to Christ and to His Word. Being a Christian is often times "sold" as this amazing thing...which indeed it is...but many people don't like this part...the obedient part. The turning away from who and what we have been (and been doing, thinking, etc...) and turning to GOD is so difficult and can be painful at times...but to begin to live a life committed to obeying God means a life full of freedom and joy and holy living!!
What happens when we turn back to sin…when we give into sin…
-We suffer
-Others suffer
-Our testimony of being a follower of Christ suffers
-God’s identity because our actions can suffer—meaning if we continue to choose to live a life a sin after professing a relationship with Jesus, yet you continue to live a life of being selfish, or being unforgiving, or using a abusive language to others…people will think to themselves… “I sure don’t want to be a Christian if that’s what their God is like”
SO AGAIN I ASK---WHY GO BACK! Is this sin that so easily entangles us (pride, pornography, cheating, lust, gossip, etc..)
Is it worth the “fix” you get from it? Really…when you consider what The Cross is all about…Your Freedom so that God is glorified…Let’s be honest here..I know I need to be
(5) The Power of the Cross is to give you grace! WHY TURN BACK!! To turn back to sin is to turn away from grace. Sin is stepping out of the realm of grace, Like that umbrella I have talked about. The umbrella of grace keeps us safe from the pouring down of sin that surrounds us...
Sin removes us from that place of mercy and forgiveness and leaves us in a place of darkness, hopelessness and spiritual death. I’m not saying that you can lose your salvation…but the Cross is more than just a free ticket into heaven…it is life, freedom and joy here on earth with Christ…in our lives…not on the back burner while we party it up thinking we are free from the punishment of sin, just because we are Christians…
(7) To turn back to sin is to walk in the way which leads to death, rather than to life. “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). To leave the path of righteousness and to turn back to the path of sin is to leave the path which leads to life and to return to the path which leads to death. If we accept the truth and the Power of the Cross and the Word of God, then I ask you one more time...
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