Friday, December 24, 2010

What is your Christmas Song of Hope, Joy, and Peace?

Tis the season for so many feelings, so much activity and sounds of beauty, hope love, the songs of Jesus.
I normally can't wait for the first snow...because out comes the Christmas music and hot chocolate and Christmas lights! I love it!
Today I was thinking about all the songs I love that deal with my Savior's birth,
Silent Night, Away in the Manger, Oh Holy Night, just to name a few...
Have you ever just sat in the dark with your Christmas lights on and candles burning with Christmas music of worship to our Lord and thought about what it was like that first Christmas?
The feelings the shepherds had when they saw the company of angels?
"Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests!"
I'm sure many of you have heard Handel's Messiah...oh, how that song gives me shivers and brings tears to my eyes.
And yet, a Company of Angels broke out into Majestic Song of that my dear friends would bring more than goosebumps...that would bring me to my knees!
Oh how desperate I am to see the One these angels Broke out of Heaven to proclaim to the lowly I am desire to be that lowly shepherd this Christmas...and always...Jesus come again and speak...because your servant is listening....
I love you Jesus...Merry Christmas!

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