Thursday, February 3, 2011

My Walk Through Heaven

The following post is a lesson I did 2 weeks ago. It came from my flight back from Jamaica as I was listening to my Ipod and just reflecting on how beautiful God's creation is and wondering and pondering and asking the Lord, "oh how I would love to have seen what John did in Revelation or what Isaiah saw..." and as I listened to my "Ka" soundtrack from the Cirque Du Soleil...which has amazingly intense instrumental music along with powerful vocals of a "made up language"...I felt as though I was ushered into heaven...and this is what came to my mind's eye as I walked through heaven progressively with the music that was ushering me to the Throne Room of God...

**If you click on the Title of this post it will bring you to Grooveshark where the 4 songs I was listening to while this came have been posted for you, so that you will be able listen to the music that ushered me along as I read this to my teens. It will navigate you away from my blog so maybe open another window so you can have them both opened at the same time. (note) if you want to try to get the most out of this post, you must read and imagine...maybe read the post first, the read it again with the music so you can "feel" the progression of intesity of each moment...and read it as if it is you walking through heaven...what would you see as you read, feel, smell...**

The first song begins with a destinct Pounding of a Drum...."…and your heart begins to beat… …a pounding so deep, deep within you…you have never felt “THIS” before…life rising, building up, pouring through, filling your entire body…everything in you, awakening to something far greater than you have ever felt before…
…and then! something deep inside you prompts you to slowly open your eyes and you behold… Majestic Beauty …Creatures of Radiant Strength stand before you… and you are saturated in absolute beauty
You are overtaken by complete awe…

…a sound so pure, a voice so full of love…an ocean of song pouring out around you coming from a host of these Majestic Beautiful Creatures…
…a song that is so familiar to your spirit, yet a language not known to you, yet so familiar…
…this Majestic Creature reaches and takes your hand and ushers you into a presence of life so beautiful that peace washes over you…
…It is so beautiful here, so bright, so clean, sparkling in pure radiance…radiance of a King…so many feelings to experience at one time…your mind trying to take in as much as it can at one time…all of your senses have awakened to the newness of life…colors are brighter, sounds purer, smells so wonderful! And everything…so peaceful…
(break in singing then single voice)…voices so pure so…
…then celebration breaks forth!
…And we dance! We twirling, we spin in complete freedom! FREEDOM! Beautiful, Joyous FREEDOM over takes you! We are one…
…This celebration brings you down a path of beautiful flowers draping Majestic gates of a narrow pathway…Angels, people of long ago…a cloud of witnesses all celebrating…celebrating the King!! Flowers are tossed to and fro, laughing joyous laughing, singing, and more dancing! Oh the smell of freedom…the joy of complete abandonment!! No worries, no fears…just pure joy…Music of welcome…music of worship…music of love…pure radiant celebration!!!
…(Deep deep men's voices in a thunderous chorus of worship) And you make your way towards greater celebration…the crowds grow larger, the space is now filled with an eternal dwelling of all people, all races, all of God’s creative expressions poured out his people…
…as you draw closer it is so loud yet so drawing, so fulfilling, you want to look to see more… ... but…something is happening…there is a sense of something greater to come…what is it you wonder…(this pure females voice of echoing worhsip)
…all of the sudden you feel as though you should fall to your knees…and bow in complete surrendered worship! What is coming….what is coming…(girl ahhhhhhh) dare you look?
…and the music ceases...
…and the singing of joyous celebration slowly fades away…and it is quiet and still… … … …
(deep violins)…A thunderous shower of deep and solumn worship over takes the celebration…and a heaviness falls upon this place…and you look around and every living creature is now bowing… …
…bowing before a brilliant light…where peals of lightning continue to break forth…

And just as quickly as the singing of celebration ceases of one kind…another kind of solumn, aching, worship arises…
…you have entered a place of eternal worship…
…thundering worship of the 24 elders surrounding the Throne erupts…so intense you can barely breathe, so overwhelming that the threshold of the floor shakes…and your entire body trembles…the fear of the Lord has over taken you…you have now entered the holy of holies…

(again deep men's voices in a greater, louder worship)…your eyes are terrified as they behold 4 Living Creatures...SO…Beautiful, yet terrifying at the same time, covered with eyes, Giants of Strength…creatures you have heard about your whole life, you now stand before them…trembling…the elders continue to lay down crowns before the throne!
…(Explosion of music)…and the ocean before you…the peals of lightning resounding deep inside you as they cascade from the throne,
…you fall to the ground…unable to stand, unable to look any longer…your heart is pounding, your breathing shallow, your mind spinning in wonder of what is to come…
…(drums!! SHOUTING) …you are lying before the Great I Am... (more shouting) The Lamb of God…the Prince of Peace…The Kings of Kings and Lord of Lord…
(greater shouting!) Jesus Himself draws nearer…(more shouting…and fading…) dare you look?
And everything washes away…(a stillness of tender music if you feel love approaching....ever so quietly...)
… you lie ever so still, filled with so many feelings…feelings of regret, feelings of remorse, feelings of “If only and I wish I would have’s”…
…but wait…what is that? feelings of joy? Of freedom? of love? Washing all that pain and hurt and scaring and regret away…
Oh…what is that??? This love that is washing over you…something so warm…a love so real…a Living Love, your heart is free…your mind is at rest and…soul set at ease… …
…a touch of a hand upon your head…and tears…oh the flowing tears you have of love streaming down your cheeks as they hit the feet of the One to whom you have longed for…the One you have waited a life to time to see, to touch… to hold…Oh, dare you look…dare you gaze upon such beauty…such love?

…slowly you lift your head… and a hand reaches in… and lifts your chin and draws you to Himself…and you see…you feel… you now know beauty…love completely awakens inside you…His smile washes throughout you…(as music fades...)and He takes you in His arms fully embracing you in His love… you are home…He is home…"

Oh that I could show you what my minds eye experienced..I will try to find the music to will help some...even so...I pray it encouraged you to remember...Our God Reigns...

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